Bhavnagar Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, Email ID, and More information are given here in this article. Bhavnagar was founded by Bhavasinhji Gohil, in 1724. The headquarter of district is located at Bhavnagar. The state capital of Gandhinagar is 198 km away from Bhavnagar. It consist of 11 Talukas, 800 villages, and 7 municipalities. Bhavnagar is also known as Gohilwad, during pre-independence era.
In this article, we have provided Bhavnagar Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Bhavnagar Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Bhavnagar: Opposite Galaxy Cinema, Kalanala, Bhavnagar, Gujarat – 364001
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- Contact number of Collector Bhavnagar: +91 278 2428822
- Fax number of Collector Office Contact Number: +91 278 2521666
- Resident Addi. Collector Phone Number: +91 278 2421881, 2427756
- Prant Officer, Bhavnagar Contact Number: +91 278 2428701
- Prant Officer, Mahuva Phone Number: +91 2844 222765
- Prant Officer, Palitana Landline Number: +91 2848 243350
- Prant Officer, Sihor Contact Number: +91 2846 222103
- Prant Officer, Talaja Landline Number: +91 2842 222260
- District Helpline NUmber: +91 278 1077
- District EOCs Helpline No. Call: +91 278
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector Bhavnagar:
- Resident Addi. Collector:
- Prant Officer, Bhavnagar:
- Prant Officer, Mahuva:
- Prant Officer, Palitana:
- Prant Officer, Sihor:
- Prant Officer, Talaja:
The current Collector of Bhavnagar is Shri Harshad Patel, IAS. The collector has has to play the role of chief Co-ordinator of the all District. Almost every citizen of a district comes in touch with District Administration.
If People want to get good services from any government authorities then they have to be in touch with them. The Collector has to play most important role for whole District. You can file directly your complain about revenue, police, illegal mining, etc to collector.
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Article Title: Bhavnagar Collector Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID, and more
Article first published on July 7, 2019.