Devbhumi Dwarka Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, Email ID, and More information are given here in this article. Devbhumi Dwarka district is located Southern region of State of Gujarat. The district headquarter is located at the city of Jamkhambhaliya. On August 15, 2013 the district was created from Jamnagar. The district has 4 Talukas, 249 Villages, and 6 Municipalities. Dwarka being a traditional city, also have modern malls for shopping.
In this article, we have provided Devbhumi Dwarka Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Devbhumi Dwarka Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Devbhumi Dwarka: District Seva Sadan, 1st Floor, Lalpur Bypass Road, Dharampur, Khambhalia, Gujarat – 361305
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- Contact number of Collector Devbhumi Dwarka: +91 2833 232804, 05
- Fax Number: +91 2833 232102
- Resident Additional Collector: +91 2833 232620
- Administrator Dwarkadhish Temple: +91 2892 234080
- Deputy Collector-1: +91 2833 232810
- Deputy Collector-2: Not Available with us
- Deputy District Election Officer: +91 2833 234003
- District Supply Officer: +91 2833 235990
- District Helpline Call: +91 2833 1077
- District EOCs Helpline No. Call: +91 2833 232125
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector, Devbhumi Dwarka:
- Resident Additional Collector:
- Administrator Dwarkadhish Temple:
- Deputy Collector-1:
- Deputy District Election Officer:,
- District Supply Officer:
The current Collector of Devbhumi Dwarka is Dr. Narender Kumar Meena (IAS). The Collector is made responsible for the implementation of foundation of various Acts in the district. Every citizens have to be in touch with collector to get good services and follow the rules and regulations of Government officers.
If you find this article is very useful to you, then please share this post via such as popular media sites like whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and more. you can file directly your complain about revenue, police, illegal mining, etc to collector.
Read Also: Gujarat Police SP Contact Details
Article Title: Devbhumi Dwarka Collector Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID, and more
Article first published on July 17, 2019.