Governor of any state is responsible same as CM of state. Administrative and law power are given to honorable Governor of any state in India. Raj Bhavn is the government residence address of Bihar Governor. Lots of people are searching for Governor Bihar contact details like office phone number, email address, home address, website, Facebook profile, Twitter handle.
For these people we have provided Governor of Bihar Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number and More from so many online source. So they can easily get their needed details.

Governor of Bihar Residence and Office Address
The Office of the Governor of Bihar is located at Governor House, B.G. Camp, Patna – 800 022, India. This is the official residence as well. So, both office address and residence address are common.
Governor of Bihar Contact Details
To contact with the Governor of Bihar, please use this office phone number: +91-612-2217626. To talk with Principal Secretary, you can use his office phone number: +91 612 2217468, +91 612 2786190, +91 612 2786179.
Governor of Bihar Email Address
If you are interested in sending out eco-friendly written correspondence, please use this email address of Bihar Governor, For more information, please visit their official website.
List of Former Governors of Bihar
The following are former Governor of the state of Bihar
- Shri Jairamdas Daulatram
- Shri Madhav Shrihari Aney
- Shri R. R. Diwakar
- Zakir Hussain
- Shri M.A.S. Ayyangar
- Shri Nityanand Kanungo
- Shri Justice U.N. Sinha
- Shri Devkant Barooah
- Shri Ramchandra Dhondhiba Bhandare
- Shri Jagannath Kaushal
- Shri Justice K.B.N. Singh
- Akhlaqur Rahman Kidwai
- Shri Pendekanti Venkatasubbian
- Shri Govind Narain Singh
- Shri Justice Dipak Kumar Sen
- Shri Ram Chandra D. Pradhan
- Shri Jagannath Pahadia
- Shri Justice G.G. Sohoni
- Shri Mohammad Yunus Salim
- Shri B. Satyanarain Reddy
- Shri Mohammad Shafi Qureshi
- Akhlaqur Rahman Kidwai
- Shri Sunder Singh Bhandari
- Shri Justice B.M. Lall
- Shri Surajbhan
- Shri Vinod Chandra Pande
- Shri M. Rama Jois
- Shri Ved Prakash Marwah
- Sardar Buta Singh
- Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi
- Shri Ramkrishna Suryabhanji Gavai
- Shri Raghunanthanlal Bhatia
- Shri Devanand Konwar
- D. Y. Patil
- Shri Keshri Nath Tripathi
- Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Read Also: Chief Minister of Bihar
Article Title: Governor of Bihar Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number and More
Article last re-published on April 25, 2020.