Jai Maharashtra Contact Number, Head Office Address, Email ID, Details and More

Jai Maharshtra is a Marathi language news channel available 24/7. The channel came into existence on 1 May 2013. Its headquarter is located at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The channel is owned by Sahana Group based on Mumbai. The channel is available only at Tata Sky and Dish TV and previously, it was available at Videocon d2h. Its slogan is Thet, Achook, Bindhaast.

The channel serves its broadcast at Maharashtra, India. As the broadcast area of Jai Maharashtra is Maharashtra, is only serves in Marathi language and not in any other language. You can also be able to get the news headlines at different social media accounts. You can also subscribe at You Tube Channel for getting day to day latest news.

Jai Maharashtra
Jai Maharashtra

Jai Maharashtra Mailing Address and Office Address

If you are searching for the address of Jai Maharashtra for sending questions, then you can send your questions at the following address:

Sahana group of Companies
402, 54-B, Sagar Avenue, 4th Floor
Junction of S.V Road & Lallubhai Park Road,
Andheri (W), Mumbai -400 058, India.

Editorial Team Office Address: 301, Vastu Prestige,
New Link Road, Above Tanishq showroom
Andheri (W), Mumbai: 400 053.

You can use the above address for sending your questions. If your letter needs any reply then they will send you back. If your letter does not need any reply then they will not send you anything back!

Jai Maharashtra Contact details

If you are searching for the contact details of the Jai Maharashtra taken from its official website, then here we present you the contact details of Jai Maharashtra:

PHONE NUMBER: +91-22-6684 2500 / 14
FAX NUMBER: +91-22-6675 3914, +91-22-6704 9796

Editorial Team Pone Number: +91-22-4237-7000 / 14
Fax Number: +91 22 4237 7020
Toll Free Number: 1-800-103-3043

Please note that the above present contact detail is for sending your questions. So, request you to not to expect any kind of personal reply.

Related Article: Janam TV Contact Number

Jai Maharashtra Email Address

If you are not interested in the above present contact details and mailing address, then you can use the below present email id:

Media related queries: web@jaimaharashtranews.tv
AD SALES ENQUIRIES: marketing@jaimaharashtranews.tv
Feedback: web@jaimaharashtra.tv

The above present is the official email id of Jai Maharashtra and it is shown publicly. So, you should make your email shorter as possible.

Article first published on April 02, 2020.