Parvez Hashmi is an Indian politician and a member of Indian National Congress. He served as a Member of Parliament, representing Delhi in the Rajya Sabha (his second term of 2012-2018). Prior to this, he also was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Delhi, he served the role for these years 1993-98, 1998-2003, 2003-2008 and 2008-2009.
Parvez Hashmi was born on 24 November 1954 in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. Are you searching for Parvez Hashmi’s Mobile number or other contact information? If yes, this section maybe of good use to you as here we have included Parvez Hashmi’s WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, Office Address, Phone Number, Contact Number, Email ID, and More.

Parvez Hashmi Office Address
He lives in Okhla, New Delhi, full contact addresses are given here. Please note his Permanent Address: 260, Jamia Nagar, Noor Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi – 110025 and his Mailing/Correspondence Address: AB-86, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi.
Here is his Residence Address/House Address: 260, Gali No. 13, Jamia Nagar, Noor Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi and Parvez Hashmi’s Office Address: AB-86, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi.
Parvez Hashmi Contact Details
Do not forget to talk with him directly on the numbers given here. If you find any of these numbers wrong, please let us know through the comment, or an email. Please note his WhatsApp Number: 9868181580, 9868181680 and Office Contact Number: 23386888.
Here is his Residency Contact Number: 26823440, 26910440, 26926311 and his Mobile Number: 9868181580, 9868181680.
- Residency Number: 26823440, 26910440, 26926311
- Cell Number: 9868181580, 9868181680
- Office Fax Number: +91 11 26926311
- Personal Number: 26823440, 26910440
- Residency Phone Number: 26823440, 26910440, 26926311
- Office Phone Number: 23386888
- Office Landline Number: 23386888
- Residency Fax Number: Not Available with us
- Parvez Hashmi Contact Number: 21430832, 26926311
- Phone Number: 23386888
Parvez Hashmi Email Address and Official Website
To send your query to him, please use the following email address. As of now, we do not have his official website link. Please note his Email ID:
- Parvez Hashmi Official Website: Not Available with us.
Parvez Hashmi Social Media Presence
As of now, we do not have any verified (tick-marked) accounts. These are social media accounts on his name with un-verified tick mark, Facebook, and Twitter.
- LinkedIn Account (Verified): Not Available with us
- Instagram Account (Verified): Not Available with us
Also Read: Lal Thanhawla WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, and More
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