Gir Somnath Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, Email ID, and More details are given here in this article. Gir somnath district is located in saurastra region of Gujarat, India. It is famous for Somnath temple. The district headquarter is located at Gir Somanath city. The district has 6 Talukas, 345 villages, and 5 Municipalities. For Gir Sonath district, Una is the biggest taluka in number of villages. In this District, Major industries such as, Gujarat heavy chemicals, Ambuja cement, Aditya birla nuvo ltd., Gujarat siddhi cement have their presence.
In this article, we have provided Gir Somnath Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Gir Somnath Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Gir Somnath: Veraval, Dist : Gir Somnath, Gujarat – 362265
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- Contact number of Collector & District Magistrate, Gir Somnath: +91 2876 240001
- Fax Number: +91 2876 243300
- Resident Additional Collector & ADM: +91 2876 240003
- Dy. Collector, District Election Officer: +91 2876 240023
- Dy. Collector, Mid Day Meal: +91 2876 240011
- Dy. Collector, Stamp Duty Evaluation System: +91 2876 240011
- District Helpline Call:+91 2876 1077
- District EOCs Helpline No. Call: +91 2876
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector, Gir Somnath:
- Resident Additional Collector & ADM:
- Dy. Collector, District Election Officer:
- Dy. Collector, Mid Day Meal:
- Dy. Collector, Stamp Duty Evaluation System: Not Available with us
The current Collector of Gir Somnath is Shri Ajay Prakash (IAS). The collector has to play an important role for whole district. The Collector is made responsible for the implementation of foundation of various Acts in the district.
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Read Also: Somnath Bus Stand Phone Number
Article Title: Gir Somnath Collector Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID, and more
Article first published on July 18, 2019.