ABP Ananda is a news channel. The channel is in a Bengali language. The channel was launched 14 years on 1 June 2005. Its headquarter is situated at Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The channel is operated by ABP Group. The channel is formerly known as STAR Ananda. Its broadcast area is India and United States. ABP Ananda has sister channel as ABP News, ABP Sanjha, ABP Asmita, ABP Majha, ABP Ganga and so on.
The nature of the channel is free to air. The channel provides its service 24-hour. It is available at different cables like Tata Sky, Videocon d2h, Airtel Digital TV, Dish TV, Sun Direct TV, and many more. The channel has its slogan Ēgiẏē Thākē, Ēgiẏē Rākhē (Stays Ahead, Keeps Ahead).

ABP Ananda Mailing Address and Office Address
Looking towards the address of ABP Ananda, here we present you the mailing address of ABP Ananda:
Mumbai Office Address: ABP NEWS CENTER, 301, Boston House, 3rd Floor, Suren Road,
Andheri – East, Mumbai- 400093
Noida Office Address: A-37, Sector 60, Noida, U.P. 201307
Kolkata Office Address: 13, Jamir Lane
3rd floor – Gariahat Mall, Kolkata – 700019
In order to clear your doubts, you can use the above address for sending your questions.
ABP Ananda Contact details
Here is the contact details of ABP Ananda, collected from its official website:
Mumbai Office Phone Number: +91 22 66160200
Fax Number: +91 22 61277790 / 66160243
Noida Office Contact Number: +91 120 4070000 / 196
Fax Number:+91 120 40702133
Kolkata Office Phone Number: +91 33 44010300
Fax Number: +91 33 44010228
The contact details of ABP Ananda is for sending the questions, so please avoid asking personal questions.
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ABP Ananda Email Address
The email address of ABP Ananda is as follows:
Sales Email Address: sales@abpnews.in
HR Email Address: vacancies@abpnews.in
Channel availability Email Address: distribution@abpnews.in
The above present email address is show publicly. The ABP Ananda receive hundreds of emails per day. Keeping in mind the length of the email, keep your email short as possible.
ABP Ananda Social Media Accounts
If you want to get the latest news from anywhere, then you can use the social media accounts. The ABP Ananda is active on social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.
Article first published on April 24, 2020.