Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Phone Number, Complaints, Contact Number, and Online Payment System for Property Tax, E-Complaint Registration, Company and Profession Tax Detail & More.
So, let’s see contact details of Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Phone Number, Complaints, Contact Number, and Online Payment.

Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Phone Number, Complaints, Contact Number, and Online Payment
- Contact Address: Hashot Road, SH 6, Piraman Naka, Shyam Nagar, Ankleshwar, Gujarat 393001
Contact Numbers and Contact Details / Information
- Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Phone Number: 02646 247965
- Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Contact Number: As Above
- Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Complaints Number: As Above
- Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Website:
- Ankleshwar Nagarpalika EmailID:
About Ankleshwar
Ankleshwar is mostly preferred by travellers. The go to destination for types of travellers, be it family, kids and couples. Ankleshwar is, however, mostly preferred by Family. The best season or months to visit places in Ankleshwar are July, August, September, October, November.
Travellers can also visit Ankleshwar to learn about places to visit, browse through photos & pictures, explore Ankleshwar using a map and read sightseeing reviews. Recently reviewed tourist attractions in Ankleshwar, which are great places to visit are GIDC Area, Golden Bridge. Ankleshwar can be visited in summer, monsoon or winter.
ONGC proposes drilling of 177 development wells in the Ankleshwar Asset encompassing the Districts of Surat,Bharuch, Vadodara and Anand in Gujarat. Post drilling, the developmental wells will be connected to therespective Group Gathering Stations (GGS’) through well fluid flow lines.
ACPTCL is a company that accords its services towards safe and absolute disposal of hazardous waste generated across the state. Being a Zero-Liquid discharge facility, ACPTCL is the first of its kind. Company located at GIDC Ankleshwar for Environmental Friendly & Scientific Treatment of Industrial Waste water.
The First phase of the project has been successfully commissioned in March 2016. This facility has a humongous 3 MLD handling capacity and it is well-equipped with the world’s most trusted and best technologies like Forced evaporation systems, Multi-effect evaporators, Mechanical vapour recompression, Reverse osmosis, Biological treatment etc.
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Ankleshwar Industries Association was established in 1978 by the industries located in Ankleshwar GIDC estate. After 26 years of its inception Ankleshwar Industries Association stands out from other state based industries associations by its achievements in diversified areas.
Article Title: Ankleshwar Nagarpalika Phone Number, Complaints, Contact Number, and Online Payment