Barwala Bus Stand Number, Barawala ST Depot Telephone Number and more details are given here. You can buy bus ticket from official website of GSRTC and other famous website of online ticket booking. Among them are Yatra, MakeMyTrip, Abhibus, GSRTC official website, Musafir, Cleartrip, redBus and others. Online ticket bookinhg in advance is best option and it gives us more discount and best deals. You should have to buy online insurance package. which is useful for medical claim.
So, let’s see Barwala Bus Stand Number, Barawala ST Depot Telephone Number and more.

Barwala Bus Stand Number, Barwala ST Depot Telephone Number and more
Barwala ST Depot Address
The address of Barwala bus stand is given below.
- Bus Stand Address: New Bus Stand Rd, Barawala
Barwala ST Depot Contact Numbers
- Barwala Bus Stand Phone Number: 02711-237450
- Barwala ST Depot Contact Number: 02711-237423
- Barwala ST Depot Manager Phone Number: 02711-237423
- Barwala Bus Stand Enquiry Number: 02711-237450
- Bus Stand Complaint Number: 02711-237423
- ST Depot Suggestions / Feedback Phone Number: 02711-237423
The contact information of GSRTC bus depot is given above. You can contact the depot for various issues, problems, inquiries and more.
Popular Routes Between Barwala and Other Important GSRTC Depots / Cities
- Lathi
- Dhasa
- Vallabhipur
- Amreli
- Gariyadhar
- Palitana
- Bhavnagar
- Shihor
- Kesod
- Junagadh
- Rajkot
- Morbi
- Ahmedabad
- Surendranagar
The given above routes are used for Barwala and other Important GSRTC depots.
Available travels
- Shiv Shakti Travels
Barwala, Gujarat 382450
Ramani Travels
L-17, Ratnamani Complex, Near Jodhpur Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015
About Barwala
Barwala is located under Ahmedabad district of Gujarat, India. Nearest railway station to Barwal is Bhimnath railway station. Nearest airport to Barwal is Ahmedabad airport. Barwada is nearer to arabian sea. There for there is chance of Humidity. The local language of Barwada is Gujarati and most of the people speak Gujarati.
We hope that the information and details of Barwala Bus Stand Number, Barwala ST Depot Telephone Number, and More will be useful to all people. Please share it on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other popular social network platforms.
Read Also: Ahmedabad Bus Stand Phone Number
Article Title: Barwala Bus Stand Number, Barwala ST Depot Telephone Number
Article first published on June 7, 2019.