Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Complaints, Phone Number, Online Payment, Contact Number, Address, Complaints, Online Payment System for Property Tax, E-Complaint Registration, Company and Profession Tax Detail & More.
So, let’s have a look at contact information of Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Complaints, Phone Number, Online Payment, Contact Number.

Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Complaints, Phone Number, Online Payment, Contact Number
- Contact Address: Bhayavadar Nagapalika, Railwaystation Road, Bhayavadar – 360450
Contact Numbers and Contact Details / Information
- Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Phone Number: 02826 274310
- Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Contact Number: 02826 274413
- Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Complaints Number: As Above
- Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Fax Number: 02826 274544
- Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Website:
About BhayavadarÂ
Bhayavadar Municipality, with inhabitants of about 19 thousand is Upleta sub district’s the least populous municipality situated in Upleta sub district of Rajkot district within the state Gujarat in India. Total geographical neighbourhood of Bhayavadar municipality is 94 km2 and it’s the greatest by neighbourhood within the sub district.
Nearest railway station is Bhayavadar which is inside the . Upleta is the sub district head quarter and the gap from the is 13 kilometre. District head quarter of the is Rajkot which is 123 kilometre away. Gandhinagar is the state head quarter of the and is 373 kilometre removed from right here.
Pincode for Bhayavadar in Upleta , Rajkot is 360450. Based on the postal code, that is SUB submit workplace and pin code is allotted to Gondal divisional submit workplace within the area of Rajkot in Postal division.
We work on driving route by highway from Junagadh to Bhayavadar and totally different tourism routes from Junagadh to Bhayavadar by highway. We advocate you Junagadh to Bhayavadar road-route to tourism by, in order that your tourism might be comfy and trouble free and, chances are you’ll not discover any holdup in travelling between Junagadh and Bhayavadar . This offers you the power to get away from visitors congestion alongside the highway going from Junagadh to Bhayavadar . We’ve additionally added a separate distance calculator device between Junagadh and Bhayavadar .
Read Also: Bhayavadar Bus Stand Phone Number
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Article Title: Bhayavadar Nagarpalika Complaints, Phone Number, Online Payment, Contact Number