Dang Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, Email ID and more information are given here in this Article. The headquarter of district is located at Ahwa. Language of people of Dang is Konkai. It consist of 3 Talukas, 311 Villages, and 70 Panchayat. Dang district include Purna Wildlife Sanctuary. The Dang is famous for to make thing from Bamboo. The meaning of Dang is Hilly Village. The other meaning of Dang is “Bamboo”. Dang is economically discomfort district out of 640 district in India. It is one of the six backward in Gujarat, which receiving fund from Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme.
In this article, we have provided Dang Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Dang Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Dang: Jilla Seva Sadan Kacheri, Dang, Gujarat – 394710
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- The contact Number of Collector, Dang: +91 2631 220201
- Fax Number: +91 2631 220274
- Resident Add. Collector Contact Number: +91 2631 220221
- District Supply Office Contact Number: +91 2631 220398
- Dy. DEO Contact Number: +91 2631 220271
- District Helpline Number: +91 2631 1077
- District Emergency Operation Center Office Number Call: +91 2631 243222
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector, Dang: collector-dan@gujarat.gov.in
- Resident Add. Collector: rac-dan@gujarat.gov.in
- District Supply Office Email Address: Not Available with us
- Dy. DEO Email Address: dangcmc2015@gmail.com
The current Collector of Dang is Shri Narsing K. Damor, IAS. The Collector is an important link between people and Government. The Collector is responsible for the implementation of foundation of various Acts in the district. The Collector is Chief-Coordinator of all district.
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Article Title: Dang Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, and Email ID
Article first published on July 4, 2019.