Lok Sabha TV Contact Number, Email ID, Delhi Address and More details given here. To buy TV channel subscription, you have to think about India’s popular news channel especially dedicated to India’s Lower House of Parliament aka Lok Sabha. It is one of the best ways to know about how is India’s parliament is working. You can buy subscription of popular channels in India but you should not forget to select this popular channel to see live telecast of Lok Sabha TV across your various devices.
In this article, we have provided contact information of Lok Sabha TV, including Contact Number, Email ID, Delhi Address and More.

Lok Sabha TV Contact Number, Email ID, Delhi Address and More
Office Address
The office of Lok Sabha TV is located at given below address.
- Lok Sabha TV Delhi Office Address: F-004, Parliament Library Building, Parliament House Complex, New Delhi 110001
- Mailing Address / Postal Address: As Above
- Delhi Office Address2: 21 & 23 Mahadev Road, New Delhi 110001
Contact Details / Contact Information
The contact details of this popular channel is given below.
- Lok Sabha TV Contact Number: 011-23035004
- Lok Sabha TV Delhi Phone Number: 011-23035004
- Delhi Office Telephone Number2: 011-23737141/42
- Delhi Office Fax Number: 011-23094690
- Delhi Office Fax Number2: 011-23739591
Official Website and Email IDs
Email is one of the best ways from anywhere in the world. You can write your views, suggestions, feedback, and complaint to the following address.
- Lok Sabha TV Email ID: feedback-lstv@sansad.nic.in
- Official Website: http://loksabhatv.nic.in/
Special Programme During Live Proceeding of Lok Sabha
The following TV programs are popular and available on this channel. You can also watch it online on their official website.
- Agenda ( English)
- In the House
- House Highlights (During Session)
- Dateline (During Session)
- Sadan Mai Aaj
Parliamentary Affairs Programme
- Bahas Sansad Ki
- Saansad Se Samvaad
- Sansad Aur Hum
- Roving Camera
Political Affairs
- Public Forum (English)
- Lok Manch (Hindi)
- Insight (Hindi)
International Affairs
- Global Review
- World This Week
- Duniya Is Hafte
- Around the World
- Desh Duniya
Health and Life Style
- Swasth Bharat
- Yog Nirog
- Nayay Chakra
Note: All the information is obtained from the official source (available on official website).
Article Title: Lok Sabha TV Contact Number, Email ID, Delhi Address and More
Article first published on April 16, 2019.