Manorama News is a news channel in Malayalam language. The channel is operated by Malayala Manorama. It was launched on 17 August 2006. Its headquarter is located at Aroor, Alleppey District, Kerala. The launch of the channel was done with the assistance of media consulting company Mediaguru Consultants Pvt. Ltd. The thirty-minute simultaneous newscast of regional news, Nattuvartha, from three regions of Kerala was very first done by Manorama News in the country.
The service area of the channel is Indian sub-continent, Middle East, North America, Europe and many more. Manorama News has its sister channels ‘Mazhavil Manorama’. The channel provides news with different timings such as 1:30 PM Nattuvartha, 2 PM News, 3 PM News, 4 PM News, 5:30 PM Nattuvartha and so on. Other than this it also shows other programs like Koddippada, Gulf This Week, Niyanthrana Rekha, Pathumanivartha and many more. The channel is also streamed live online. The channel available at different satellites are Videocon d2h, Tata Sky, Dish TV and many more.

Manorama News Mailing Address and Office Address
If you are looking forward for the address of Manorama News for sending your queries, then please use the following address:
MMTV Ltd Near Aroor Toll Gate,
NH Bypass Road,
Aroor (Post),
Alapuzha – 688 534 Kerala
You can use the above present address for sending your queries and can able to clear your doubts.
Manorama News Contact details
If you are looking forward for contact details of Manorama News collected from its official website:
+91 478 6610000
The above present contact detail is the official and it is show publicly. So, please use the contact detail for solving your queries and not for personal use.
Related Article: Kamyab TV Contact Details
Manorama News Email Address
If the above present mailing address and contact details does not satisfy you, then you can use the email address present below:
Please make sure that your email is shorter as possible, as the Manorama News may receiving emails every dat at huge numbers.
Manorama News Social Media Accounts
Manorama News is present on various social media accounts such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook. You can able to get the latest news from Social Media Accounts.
Article first published on April 20, 2020.