Mehsana Collector Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID and more details are given here in this article. Mehsana is situated at western India. In this district, There are 7 Vidhan Sabha constituencies in this district. Mehsana district consist of 10 Talukas including Mehsana, Kadi, Visnagar, Vijapur, Vadnagar, Kheralu, Becharaji, Satlasana, Jotana and Unjha, and 614 Villages. Mehsana district shares borders with Patan and Surendranagar district in west, Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad district in south, Banskantha district in north and Sabarkantha district in east.
In this article, we have provided Mehsana Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Mehsana Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Mehsana: Block No.3, MS Building, Rajmahal road, Mehsana, Gujarat – 384001
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- Contact number of Collector Mehsana: +91 2762 222203
- Fax Number: +91 2762 222202
- Resident Addi. Collector: +91 2762 222203
- Dy. Collector (LAO ONGC): +91 2762 253236
- Dy. Collector (LAO): +91 2762 222226
- Dy. Collector (Stamp): +91 2762 222206
- Dy. Collector, MDM: +91 2762 222212
- District Helpline Number: +91 2762 1077
- District EOCs Helpline Number Call: +91 2762
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector Mehsana:
- Resident Addi. Collector:
- Dy. Collector (LAO ONGC):
- Dy. Collector (LAO):
- Dy. Collector (Stamp):
- Dy. Collector, MDM:
Facts Of Mehsana District
- Headquarters: Mehsana
- Country: India
- State: Gujarat
- Official Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, English
- Vehicle Registration: GJ-2
- Official Website:
The current collector of Mehsana is Shri H. K. Patel,IAS. A Collector is the highest functionary in Chain of command of a district. Almost every citizen of a district have to comes in touch with District Administration. You can file directly your complain about revenue, police, illegal mining, etc to collector.
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Article Title: Mehsana Collector Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID
Article first published on July 4, 2019.