Meru Cabs is an Indian ridesharing company which is headquartered at Mumbai, India. Neeraj Gupta has incorporated Meru Cabs in the year 2006. Meru Cabs has several brands like MeruSpot, Meru, MeruBizz and more. It provides transportation services like outstation travel, city rides, airport transfers and city rentals among 24 cities across India.
Following are some of the contact details of Meru Cabs which includes headquarters address, office locations, email address, fax number and more. Let us have a look on it.

Meru Cabs Corporate Headquarters Address and Phone Number
To get the information personally by visiting the head office of Meru Cabs, then here we have the address. The head office address is Meru Mobility Tech Private Limited., F – 17, 4th Floor, B wing, Pinnacle Business Park, Shanti Nagar, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093, India.
You can also try to talk to the officer by using your cell phone. You can dial at the head office phone number at +91 22 4052 0100. The service on this number is available 24×7.
Meru Cabs Contact Details
Several times, we need to confirm or at the time of any issue, we are intended to get the information. So, in that situation, you can contact to Customer Care helpline number at 4422 4422. Please, use city code while dialing the number.
For any of the written customer care details, you can write an email at this email address. The email address is
If you are interested to give your feedback or suggestions, then you can write an email at
Meru Cabs Media Inquiry Contact Info
If you are the part of press and wanted to get the newsroom details, then here is the media relations contact details. The media relations email address is You can also get the inquiries, by ringing up at +91 22 4052 0100.
Meru Cabs Email Address and Official Websites
In this current situation, we are not having the Meru Cans email address and official website. So, later on we will provide you the same at this correct place.
Official Social Media Accounts
There are several social media pages where Meru Cabs are posting their everyday pics. Here are few of the social media pages of Meru Cabs. They are Facebook and Twitter. This are the verified accounts of Meru Cabs.
Article first published on January 07, 2021.