Nirmal Baba is a famous spiritual guru. His real name is Nirmaljeet Singh Narula. Nirmal Baba was born in year 1952, in Samana villege in state Punjab. He is a popular guru in India and abroad. There are lots of followers of Nirmal Baba in world. Nirmal Darbar is the famous show handle by Nirmal Baba in which followers tells their problem and Baba gives their solution. This show telecast in several channels of India. You can watch Nirmal Baba live show today from its official website.
Followers are searching Nirmal Baba mobile number, WhatsApp number, phone number, fax number, communication address, Email address, Facebook profile for communicate with their guru. You can visit given below official website for download image, photo and satsang video. Using telephone number you can directly contact with Nirmal Baba and can do Nirmal Baba samagam booking.

Nirmal Baba Address
In this section you can get contact address of Nirmal Baba.
- Delhi Address: Nirmal Darbar, 211 Chiranjiv Tower 43, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019, India.
Nirmal Baba Contact Details
- Phone Number: +91-11-40766400
- Nirmal Baba Contact Number: +91-11-40766400
- Nirmal Darbar Fax Number: 011-40517666.
- Official Email ID:
- Official Website:
- Nirmal Baba Satsang Booking Number: 011-40766400
Nirmal Baba Social Links
You can contact Nirmal Baba through official and verified Facebook account of Nirmal Baba.
- official Facebook page (Verified):
- Twitter handle (From official website):
- Instagram Account:
- YouTube Channel (From official website:
With this social link any devotee can comment, share image, share link, direct twit on Twitter handle. This is easiest way to see different video, daily darshan image, other devotee mentally thinking, others question to Nirmal Baba and their solution from Nirmal Baba.
About Nirmal Baba
He is one of the most controversial spiritual / religious leaders in India (based on media reports). His satsangs are known as “Nirmal Darbar”. In India, he has many followers and many of them regularly participates in Nirmal Darbar.
Hope this Nirmal Baba contact details will be useful to all devotee to communicate with Baba. If you like this then share on social media so it will become more useful to other person also.
Read Also: How to Contact Dalai Lama
Article last re-published on February 25, 2020.