Pema Khandu is an Indian politician and the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. He belongs to Bharatiya Janata Party. He was earlier associated with Indian National Congress and Peoples Party of Arunachal Pradesh. He joined Bharatiya Janata Party in December 2016. Did you know, Pema Khandu is the son of former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Dorjee Khandu?
About his personal life, he was born on 21 August 1979 and is graduated from Hindu College, University of Delhi. In the coming sections, you can find Pema Khandu WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, Contact Number, Contact Details, Office Address, Email ID and More. So. let’s see!

Pema Khandu Office Address
Please note Permanent Residential Address of Pema Khandu: Gyangkhar village, P.O Lemberdung, PS Tawang, Dist. Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh and his Present/Communication Address: DK House, Doordarshan Kendra road, Near State Circuit House, Upper ‘C’- Sector, Itanagar – 791 111, Arunachal Pradesh.
Here is the Arunachal Pradesh CM Office Address: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Office, Civil Secretariat, Itanagar – 791111, Arunachal Pradesh (India).
Pema Khandu Contact Numbers
It is not easy to directly contact Pema Khandu. But there is one way you can contact him through the given contact information below. We have collected all the contact details from the official website. Please note Pema Khandu Contact Number: 0360 2212456, 0360 2212439. His WhatsApp Number is not available with us.
Here is his Residence Contact Number: 0306 2291355. His Mobile Number is not available with us.
- Pema Khandu Phone Number: 0360 2212341, 0360 2212173, 0360 2212456, 0360 2212439.
- Fax Number: 0360 2291365
- Residence Fax Number: Not Available
- Telephone Number: 0360 2212341, 0360 2212173,
- Office Landline Number: 0360 2212173, 0360 2212456
- WhatsApp Number: Not Available
- Residence Landline Number: 0306 2291355
Pema Khandu Email Address and Official Website
Please note his Email Address:
Official Website / Portal:
Also Read: Om Prakash Mathur WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, and More
Personal Details of Pema Khandu
Pema Khandu was born on 21 August 1979 in Tawang District. His father’s name is Dorjee Khandu. His father was former chief minister, who dead in helicopter crash on 30 April 2011. He completed his graduation in Bachelor of Arts in Hindu College, University of Delhi. His family strictly follow Buddhism religion. He has two sons and one daughter.
Social Media Accounts of Pema Khandu
Here you can get Social Media Accounts of Pema Khandu. He is very active on social media. So, you can easily contact him through Facebook and Twitter.
- Official Facebook Page/Facebook ID/Facebook Account (verified):
- Official Twitter Handle/Twitter ID/Twitter Account (verified):
- Official Instagram Id: Not Available
- Official LinkedIn Profile: Not Available
- Official You Tube Channel: Not Available
- Official Pinterest Account: Not Available