Rajkot Collector Office Phone Number, Contact Number, Office Address, Email ID, and More details are given here in this article. In 1610 , Rajkot city was founded by Thakorji Vibhaji. Due to needs of water, the Rajkot city which is built on the bank of the river Aaji a new lake called Lalpari was established in the year of 1895. Headqaurter of district its a Rajkot. The district has 14 Talukas, 856 villages, and 7 municipalitoes. To get government services at the best speed, you should know how to deal with the authorities in legal manner.
In this article, we have provided Rajkot Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number and more.

Rajkot Collector Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Office Phone Number
Important Address Details
The office of the Collector is located at the below address.
- Address of Collector office Rajkot: Shroff Rd, Sadar, Rajkot, Gujarat – 360001
Important Contact Number
Customer who want to share their complaints, feedback, suggestion, reviews and want to know event details they can communicate via given below number during working hours.
- Contact Number of Collector Rajkot: +91 281 2473900
- Fax Number: +91 281 2453621
- Resident Addi. Collector Contact Number: +91 281 2476374
- Chitnis Phone Number: +91 281 2447763
- Deputy Collector (MDM) Contact Number: +91 281 2457402, +91 9727763124
- Deputy Collector (land acq. and R and R) Phone Number: +91 281 2477907, +91 9727763124
- District Helpline Call: +91 281 1077
- District EOCs Helpline No. Call: +91 281
- Commissioner of Rescue & Relief Call: 1070
Official Website and Email ID
- Email ID of Collector Rajkot: collector-raj@gujarat.gov.in
- Resident Addi. Collector: add-collector-raj@gujarat.gov.in
- Deputy Collector (MDM): dcmdmrajkot@gmail.com, middy-raj@gujarat.gov.in
The current collector of rajkot is Dr. Rahul B. Gupta, IAS. Rajkot is multicultural city of Gujarat. Rajkot is also known as Rangilu Rajkot, meaning “Colourful Rajkot”. It is also known as “Chitranagri”. Rajkot has many historical places like Jubilee Garden, Watson Museum, which is located in the Jubilee Garden, Rotary Dolls Museum, Lang Library, Rotary Midtown Library and Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium.
If you find this article is very useful to you, then please share this post via such as popular media sites like whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and more. you can file directly your complain about revenue, police, illegal mining, etc to collector.
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Article Title: Rajkot Collector Office Contact Number, Office Phone Number, Office Address, Email ID, and more
Article first published on July 11, 2019.