Ramwadi ST Depot Phone Number, Contact Number, Enquiry No

Ramwadi ST Depot Phone Number, Contact Number, Enquiry No and more details given here. Moovit helps you find the quickest route and most updated timetable for lines that stop near Ramwadi. Moovit shows you the closest stops and stations to your destination. Check out this list of stops closest to Ramwadi.

So, let’s see Ramwadi ST Depot Phone Number, Contact Number, Enquiry No and more.


Ramwadi ST Depot Phone Number, Contact Number, Enquiry No

Ramwadi St Depot Address

  • Address: National Highway 66, Ramwadi, Pen, Maharashtra 402107

Ramwadi St Depot Contact Details

  • Ramwadi Bus Stand Phone Number: 02143 252214
  • Ramwadi Bus Depot Contact Number: As Above
  • Ramwadi ST Depot Number: 02143 252214
  • ST Depot Manager / Complaint Number: As Above

Ramwadi Bus Facility

Rajwada is a historical palace in Indore city. It was built by the Holkars of the Maratha Empire about two centuries ago. This seven storied structure is located near the Chhatris and serves today as a fine example of royal grandeur and architectural skills.

Rajwada palace exhibits a blend of Maratha styles, the palatial structure is sure to leave you spellbound. The entrance itself is beautiful with lofty archway and a giant wooden door covered with iron studs. As one makes his way through the entrance, one is greeted with a courtyard comprising Maratha arched Ganesha hall, a number of balconies with Maratha ornamentation, windows, and corridors, surrounded by galleried rooms.

The Palace was constructed by the Muslim artisans from Mandu who worked for the Marathas but sought refuge in Malwa with their families, At that time only the Muslims were the most skilled crafts persons.

All activity within this structure has been systematically removed and now boasts of a small office of the Joint Director, Archeology and Souvenir Shop run by the Archeology. The rest of the building is ground and two floors. One side of the front bay has been destroyed as has the complete rear bay. The rear bay, before reconstruction was an empty shell with garden within, enveloped by the thick external wall with the bastions.

The Rajwada is now state property under the Archeology who granted special permission for rebuilding the old wada which was the main Rajwada which was completely burnt during the 1984 riots, namely the building around the Tulsi Kund along with the temple that previously existed there, between the two rear courtyards.

Article Title: Ramwadi ST Depot Phone Number, Contact Number, Enquiry No