Vijay Goel is an Indian politician and a member of Bharatiya Janata Party. He also served as Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Statistic and Implementation in the NDA government. He also served as president of the Delhi unit of his party (BJP). Vijay Goel also served as Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports.
He was born on 4 January 1954 in Delhi, India. Are you searching for his contact information like his Mobile Number or Email Address? If yes, this is the page you just need. In the coming sections, you can find Vijay Goel’s WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, Phone Number, Email Address, Office Address and More.

Vijay Goel Office Address
All contact addresses of Vijay Goel are given below. Please note his Residence Address/House Address: T – 3, Oberoi Apartment, 2 Shamnath Marg – Civil Lines, Delhi. 110054.
Here is Vijay Goel’s Delhi Residence Address: Bungalow No. 10, Ashoka Road, New Delhi. Please note Vijay Goel Office Address: 10 Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001 and his Permanent Address: 74, Babar Road, Bengali Market, New Delhi-110001. The address details given here can be used for all kinds of official communication.
Vijay Goel Contact Numbers
Given below are contact details of Vijay Goel, which are collected from an authorized website. please note Vijay Goel’s WhatsApp Number: 9811424336. Here is Vijay Goel’s Contact Number: 23782233.
Please note Vijay Goel’s Personal Mobile Number: 9811424336.
- Phone Number: 23782299
- Personal Number: 23985555
- Delhi Office Contact Number: 011-23782020, 23782233
- Delhi Office Phone Number: 011-23782020, 23782233
- Cell Number: 9811424336
Vijay Goel Email Address and Official Website
You can also contact him by email, please note his Email ID:,
- Official Website:
Vandana Social Media Presence
In this section, you can find verified social media accounts of Vijay Goel.
- Facebook Page/Profile (Verified):
- Twitter Handle/Account (Verified):
- YouTube Channel (from official website):
About Vijay Goel
Vijay Goel is a popular politician in India who is active in politics of Delhi and later on became the Sports and Youth Affairs minister. He briefly worked against Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi.
Q.1. How to Contact Vijay Goel?
Answer: To contact BJP leader Vijay Goel, you should write a letter to his office address or call his office telephone number.
Q.2. How to Meet Vijay Goel?
Answer: To meet Vijay Goel, you need to get permission from his office.
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