Kalinga TV is an Odia language news channel. The channel is launched on 17 April, 2015. Its headquarter is situated at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. The channel is launched by a unit of KIIT Group of Institutions known as Kalinga Media and Entertainment. The channel is also owned by Kalinga Media & Entertainment Pvt.Ltd. The broadcast area of kalinga TV is India, Kenya, Mauritius, Fiji and many more.
The channel is also available at different social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more. So that whenever you miss any of the latest news, then you can get it from this social media accounts. You can able to get the latest news form anywhere in the world with help of this social media accounts. In Bhubaneswar, Kalinga Tv is the 24-hour cable and satellite news channel. The channel is classified under Indian Non-Government Company.

Kalinga TV Mailing Address and Office Address
If you are looking for the address of the Kalinga TV for sending your queries, then below present is the address of the Kalinga TV:
1009 IRC Village,
Odisha 751006
The above present is the address of the Kalinga TV where you can send you questions. If your need a sufficient reply then they will send you back.
Kalinga TV Contact details
If you are looking for the contact details of Kalinga TV which is collected from its official website, then here we present you the contact details of Kalinga TV:
0674 663 3011
Please note that the above present contact detail is for the public information and you make use of the contact details only for sending your queries and not for your personal queries.
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Kalinga TV Email Address
If the mailing address and contact detail does not give you satisfactory result, then you can use the below present email id and website:
Email ID: social@kalingatv.com
Website: http://kalingatv.com
This is the official email id of Kalinga TV and its is shown publicly. So, Kalinga TV may receving number of email every day. So, you should make your email shorter as possible.
Article first published on April 05, 2020.